Sunday, January 18, 2009
I Knew I Love You - Savage Garden
记得我曾承诺过妳说我会缝一只小熊送你吗? 如今,我做到了!这是我第一次亲手制做的熊仔,希望你会喜欢,生日快乐!
这两年来,我们从陌生变得亲密,但也渐渐地疏远. 说真的,我真的很高兴能够认识你. 是妳,开拓了我的视野,教会了我如何去爱,付出,关怀. 在我最失落的时候,妳扶了我一把,让我重新的站起来. 除了感谢,我还是要谢谢妳,陪我一起度过的日子.
妳对我的关怀,爱心,我将铭记在心,毕竟,妳是第一位对我这么好的女生. 我,不后悔那短暂我们在一起的时光,那...是我至今最快乐的日子... 爱人与被爱,温暖与安心,是谁也不能磨灭的记忆.
可能对妳而言,那是一时冲动,还是其他,我不清楚. 我多么希望我们能在一起,是情侣,度过每一天,但这到头来只是我一厢情愿的想法.时间和一切证明了我并不是你所找寻的另一半,我不是你要的那个人. 是我的任性和固执,让妳不开心和为难妳. 我在此说声对不起. 我亲手破坏了我们之间的友情,因为我天真的以为总有一天我会和妳在一起,得到妳的心...
然而时间消逝,妳换了几个男朋友,伤透了心,又重新爱上一个人. 而我,永远只是个旁观者,鼓励着,安慰着妳. 而妳并不考虑我, 只把我当好朋友... 我,已不知何时深深爱上妳,也不愿把自己抽出来,对妳的思念和渴望也一天天加深. 到后来,我才知道我是真心地爱上妳,不顾一切的付出,只为了希望得到妳的心. 为了妳,我什么都能做到.
这一切,如今却是徒然,我明暸这些只是我一厢情愿的想法,而我认为是时候停了. 我依然深爱着妳,但如今我只能在记忆中找寻妳的美好,如此可笑的我啊! 是时候放下了我对妳的依恋,让我从新开始. 恩,你给了我大学时代最美好的回忆,我深深地感谢妳!
从今以后,我不会再追求妳,更不会对你有任何的奢望. 我既然能痴痴地迷恋妳,我就能够狠狠地放下对妳的眷恋,我相信我能做得到.
在此,我希望妳在未来的日子里过得很好,变得更快乐. 希望妳常微笑,因为妳的笑容真的很美,可爱,纯真.
P.S 小熊JC代表了我过去一心一意爱你的心,如今我把我的心送给你...
Above photos are copy-righted to me, Mr. Teoh Jeng Chieh, and 100% original post from JC. For those my friends dunno read chinese words, kindly personal message me for the translation.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My 1st D.I.Y. Bear
A lot of people says if want send someone special a gift, the person should be hand-make it, for sincere and effort. The creation of hard work means more than those fancy things, right?
So, i decided to sew a teddy bear, for a person that means lot for me, for her birthday present. A promise that i told to her which she should be forgotten.
Around December 08, i been asking my friends to help me look out for "Do It Yourself" (DIY) bear all around the place, troubled them a lot, haha. Finally, Kenny sucessfully help me secure the raw material that i needed. Special thanks to him.
-This is the cover of the container-
-The cloth for the base of stuffy teddy bear-
-Some tread and needle-
-The unclear instruction manual-
It is quite amazing that from a cloth, cut into pieces and keep on sewing, will become a teddy bear. Especially sew from a man's hand, that's me. The fact that is myself did not have any teacher to teach in sewing and have no experience at all in sew something. I believe is my determination and perseverance that drives me so far to keep on sewing from nothing become a teddy bear. I also surprised that my drive of will is such strong and big hand can sew up such tiny things. Haha.
-This is my lovely product of my 1st DIY Teddy Bear-
-The back view of the bear-
-The straight up version of bear- (I know it is not that nice compare to sit position)
I named the teddy bear: 'JC'. I even put trademark on its foot, hehe. I admit it not really look like teddy, i feel it more like dog, haha. Anyway it is the production of i sew with full of love, and will given to her...
-The teddy rest inside this box and send along to her place-
Conclusion: it is not hard to make a DIY bear actually, just give yourself a try, add some strong will to continue sewing and it is done! Happy sewing!
JC & the JC Bear
For January's special one ---> Ci En
So, i decided to sew a teddy bear, for a person that means lot for me, for her birthday present. A promise that i told to her which she should be forgotten.
Around December 08, i been asking my friends to help me look out for "Do It Yourself" (DIY) bear all around the place, troubled them a lot, haha. Finally, Kenny sucessfully help me secure the raw material that i needed. Special thanks to him.
-This is the cover of the container-
-The cloth for the base of stuffy teddy bear-
-Some tread and needle-
-The unclear instruction manual-
It is quite amazing that from a cloth, cut into pieces and keep on sewing, will become a teddy bear. Especially sew from a man's hand, that's me. The fact that is myself did not have any teacher to teach in sewing and have no experience at all in sew something. I believe is my determination and perseverance that drives me so far to keep on sewing from nothing become a teddy bear. I also surprised that my drive of will is such strong and big hand can sew up such tiny things. Haha.
-This is my lovely product of my 1st DIY Teddy Bear-
-The back view of the bear-
-The straight up version of bear- (I know it is not that nice compare to sit position)
I named the teddy bear: 'JC'. I even put trademark on its foot, hehe. I admit it not really look like teddy, i feel it more like dog, haha. Anyway it is the production of i sew with full of love, and will given to her...
-The teddy rest inside this box and send along to her place-
Conclusion: it is not hard to make a DIY bear actually, just give yourself a try, add some strong will to continue sewing and it is done! Happy sewing!
JC & the JC Bear
For January's special one ---> Ci En
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