Saturday, June 7, 2008


Why choose ChestMeat? why not other name? I'm sure there lot of people will comment why i choose this 'noob' name for it. The main reason is.....

For FUN!

This name bring back my days for long sem break back to uni days as me and my friends spent our days just to play Defend of the Ancient (DOTA) day and night, rinse and repeat each day. I guess we spent quite a lot especially that CSJ invite us visit cybercafe at least 4 times a week. Haha.

This 'ChestMeat' name rose as random name that i put for no reason, just to host the name for friends. Previous alias which i use: "LegTights" which brought 1 of my friend laugh his ass out (yeah, that's you, fat ass). Those names were nonsense and just to serve as joy purpose, i guess i did it sucessfully.

I think back for the name i used for playing dota, most frequent used is 'chickenwing', which is a part of.... chicken. People ask me why choose chickenwing, not chicken breast, drumstick or other part? My answer is: i like to eat chickenwing, haha. Part of the 'chickenwing' name comes by was during my secondary school days that a friend of mine (nat) name me as that, until now i still dunno why i get called that.

Alright, back to the topic. I was thinking of using Black Machismo for here, but i guess is too long to type and quite annoying to pronounce it, haha. (or should i use Jessica? Ayambrand? Cock?) You gays sure will like it, ha!

Anyway, i guess "ChestMeat" is quite easy to remember with and my friends will reminds back those are the days we spent together during uni life. We had joy, we had fun, we had season in the sun~~~

Voila, the explaination of the name is done.


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