30th April 2010 was my last day in SIG, yet i still had lot of works haven't finish. So i was stay back until 7.30pm and miss to say goodbye to my colleagues. Please forgive me that i leave without saying. you all should know how the company workload is troublesome.
Production crews group photo who on available on that day: (from left) Wilson Chan, Kenny Wong, Me, Vincent Hii, Fazlina, Ms Looi.
Seok Hoon came to DA plant for stock check.
This was my office deck.
Kenny should be missing Joe and me when putting his shoes on the racks.
This was where my car park at.
Filter press machine, which cause a lot of trouble to me. Drying Calcium Hydroxide (lime) sludge.
This is the overview of Dissolve Acetylene plant which i worked one and half year.
Certain people i will miss as time goes by, but certain people i wish not to get contact anymore. Thanks for the life lessons teaching for the people to taught me during my time in SIG.
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