Maybe i went for the last moment of the PC Fair, the situation is totally chaotic, which those buggers non-stop approach you to sign up for their broadband, network service, etc etc, blah blah blah. Some more pull you by grabbing your arms to their counter. Even KL PC fair promoter more polite than these 'sakai's, WTF. In my mind, i only think of giving them uppercut towards their chin as they continue pulling me in. But in reality, i manage to hold on myself from not doing something that i might regret in the future, hitting people. i just kindly told them i no need those and escape from them.
Circle around the fair, i still prefer it held in City Square, as it more arranged and not lacking stuff as in this fair. i ended up disappointment as the price are way higher than KL Plaza Low Yat's daily price.

That building, saving grace is the KFC, which in town only can find it there.
On my way back home, this is the scene of taking bus back Perling with swarm of "friendly" creatures packed up the whole bus:

Daily i can see them in quite number, but during weekends, the amount is many time greater of it, some time whole bus just have around 5 Malaysian, the rest, cover by these illegal immigrants. They are noisy, annoying, and stink. They sure will 'spice' you up during your journey to home. I 'grateful' to our lovely government that so loose rules to limit the amount of these creatures to swarm in our country and create social problem to our home. The number only increase drastically and it will continue as it is, what a great upset!
Remember last year the robbery and murder case in my Taman? i quite sure is these creature friends did it. Until now, JB is still not a safe place, thanks to them. It is like hell ride to take bus back home for me, they just appear in such fearful sum daily. I can't wait to get my own transport to expel me away from these creatures, they just strike fear into resident's heart. Conclusion, public transport in JB is a big NO to those visitors. My advice, for your own safety.
ps. long time no blog, mind "dry" for topic.
hahaha..spice up our lives? instant classic again..hahahahaa....
Yeah baby, i'm the instant classic and love to make you laugh.
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